And we're off

4/10/2009 07:17:00 pm / Posted by Windrush Valley Card Club /

New season same sort of result.

Chris of Peros was our winner, succeeding despite sporting a rather sinister goatee. The league table will appear when we've played a few more games.

Despite being a bank holiday next Monday we will have a game on. We don't think Jesus will mind. If anyone does encounter any fire and brimstone on the way to the club we can only apologise.

Our game will be a £20 + £20 freeze-out. Starting chips of 3,000, with the option of a further 3,000 any time during the first three levels. We kick-off as usual at 8:00pm (on time this time) and we hope to see all the new faces once again.

Our league will be running for 18 weeks. In order to qualify for our final game big game in September, you will need to have played in at least 9 games.

Each point accumulated throughout the season will be converted into 25 chips. Everyone will also have the opportunity on the night of buying a further 5,000 chips for £50. Clear? Good. See you all on Monday. New players very welcome.


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