Christmas party

12/16/2008 04:40:00 pm / Posted by Windrush Valley Card Club /

I've been trying to piece together the small flash backs and recollections from last night's Christmas party to put together some sort of tournament report, but alas I can't even remember playing in it, let alone tell you who won. Someone must have put something in my whiskey cause all I can remember is playing chess, or at least moving the pieces about and losing. I also saw some exciting footwear and I think Big Dick did pretty well in the cash game.

Big Dick celebrates his cash game success

As a general rule of thumb though I think the less you can recall about an evening the more enjoyable it must have been so I think it's fair to say the evening was a success. I don't know about you, but I've never felt more alive than when I wake up in the middle of the afternoon naked from the waist down with a police woman's hat covering up my modesty. Splendid stuff.

Moving on now, the schedule for January's games is yet to be decided, I think January 5th will be the next league night, although I'm sure a cash game or two will be available in the interim to anyone who can't wait that long.

Merry Christmas and God bless us everyone. Let's finish with a song.


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