Christmas Party 21st December

12/15/2009 03:31:00 pm / Posted by Windrush Valley Card Club /


The Windrush Valley Card Club's Christmas Party will take place next Monday - December 21st. Details, like Ethiopian children, are thin on the ground (is that in poor taste? I've been on my own for two weeks so I've lost some social graces I'm afraid) - but anyway, details will emerge over the next 24 hours or so please keep checking back.

It'll be a turkey/beef dinner with many wines and other drinks followed by a bounty type freeze-out poker game.

Kick-off times and prices will be posted ASAP. Somewhere in the region of 7.3opm and between £50 - £80 I reckon.

Hope to see you all there, there really is no excuses for not celebrating the birth of the baby Jesus with us, unless you're an 'orrible evil islamic Turk or something of that sinister nature, but even if you are you should still come anyway.

Coochy-coo: The ickle baby Jesus 2009 years ago.


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